IT Security – Documentation and Guides

If you are looking for a single place to get most of Information Technology Security related whitepapers, documentation and opinions, try looking at It has reliable postings and a wide variety of topics that you can use to learn and if you are up … “IT Security – Documentation and Guides”

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XP Tools (Hidden Utility XP)

Hidden Utilities XP allows access to nearly 100 hidden utilities that are not normally accessible to the average user. System information, diagnostics, repair tools and more in both Windows and Command Line utilities are now easily opened. Hidden Utilities XP includes easy access to 53 … “XP Tools (Hidden Utility XP)”

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Vulnerability Watchdog

Ever wonder if there’s a single place to view what’s going on the blackhat market? E.g. What’s the top attacks, what sort of vulnerabilities are there in the world and more? Well, i bumped into this site, looks pretty good. Check out Some of … “Vulnerability Watchdog”

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Microsoft’s own antivirus fails to secure Vista

This is an interesting article i bumped infront of my PC while reading my daily tech updates. In short, you and i, in no condition whatsoever, should compromise security, even if the security comes from a giant software company. Microsoft is a baby in the … “Microsoft’s own antivirus fails to secure Vista”

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Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Issue summaryThere’s a security bug with Microsoft Office. Those using Microsoft Office products like Office 2000, XP, 2003 (2004-MAC) are advised to see the workaround below. The vulnerability cannot be exploited on Office 2007 or on Works 2004, 2005, or 2006. Please read and be … “Vulnerability in Microsoft Office Could Allow Remote Code Execution”

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GoogleMaps Minus GoogleApps

So, you love GoogleMap dont ya? Great! Me too, but i am not much fan of using the fat application that comes with it, so if you are as “lean”, then check out It’s an awsome combination of Wiki+GoogleEarth, just by using your browser, … “GoogleMaps Minus GoogleApps”

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Vista’s ReadyBoost

READYBOOST ACTIVATION You’ve probably not heard of it, or do not know how it works, i didn’t until about 3 months back, read this article from In human as possible, it makes it possible to put read-info-caches into drives outside the Operating System’s (OS) … “Vista’s ReadyBoost”

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IE 7 Turns Green

Is Internet Explorer gonna’ throw up? Looks all green… So you were browsing, ump, say and suddenly your browser address bar turned green, should i 1. Panic, close browser and format my computer2. Read the certificate information on that address bar. If you choose … “IE 7 Turns Green”

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Documentation Made Easy!

Lets face it, documentation is a pain, wish you had a tool to do it all without installing a huge piece of software on every machine you need to inventorize? Well, try SIW. My clients do not mind if i do screen captures and documenting … “Documentation Made Easy!”

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“EXPERTS” view on Vista

So, is Vista worth the security investment-upgrade? Apparently NOT. I agree, the answer is not really. Read this CNET article talks more about that. To put things in perspective, if you give fully armoured tank to a monkey, he’ll still walk out naked to … ““EXPERTS” view on Vista”

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