Security and Compliance Monitoring In Microsoft Office 365 Using Open Source Wazuh

In today’s digital age, monitoring and securing cloud services like Microsoft Office 365 is critical. Wazuh, an advanced open-source security monitoring tool, offers comprehensive capabilities to enhance security for Office 365 environments. It manages logs, detects threats in real time, ensures regulatory compliance, and provides deep data analysis. This integration not only protects against potential security breaches but also supports existing security investments, making it an essential solution for organizations leveraging cloud technologies.

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Why banks in Malaysia chose Astiosdialer for their collection and recovery business?

Business Requirements In a bid to enhance efficiency, a top Malaysian bank looked to adopt an autodialer solution for its collection and recovery team. Starting with 50 agents and eyeing expansion to 140+, the bank harbored concerns about the potential costs. Specifically, they worried about … “Why banks in Malaysia chose Astiosdialer for their collection and recovery business?”

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