By Default in VICIDIAL call conversation recordings name have just Full date and customer Phone.

And I always change it to save all related info by using more parameters.

It will be useful when your customer will ask to give him all related call conversations to his campaign.
If you have not set this before and you want to export you can use VICIDIAL script I explained here:
This field allows you to customize the name of the recording when Campaign recording is ONDEMAND or ALLCALLS. The allowed variables are CAMPAIGN INGROUP CUSTPHONE FULLDATE TINYDATE EPOCH AGENT VENDORLEADCODE LEADID CALLID RECID. If your dialers have –POST recording processing enabled, you can also use POSTVLC POSTSP POSTARRD3 POSTSTATUS. These POST options will alter the recording file name after the call has been finished and will replace the post variable with the value from the default fields. The default is FULLDATE_AGENT and would look like this 20051020-103108_6666. Another example is CAMPAIGN_TINYDATE_CUSTPHONE which would look like this TESTCAMP_51020103108_3125551212. The resulting filename must be less than 90 characters in length.